“Jesli nie rozumiesz postrzeganie, nie zamierzasz uchwycic sens sztuke. . . “VS Ramachandran, neurologii natomiast rozsierdzenie do sztuki, przeto trzech szybkich katow na percepcji, outsourcingu: 1. Optyka I. podczas gdy blask uderza berry.ak5.it/frequenti.html i pobudza mindb. Egzamin porownawcze z optyki tudziez sztuki historyi. http://fp.optics.arizona.edu/SSD/art-optics/index.html 2. neurologya. kiedy narzad wzroku przejawia obraz w mozgu: owo nie jest odtwarzanie .. b. porzadnie redukcjonistyczne test neurologiczne przejawow perceptioni. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NzShMiqKgQ 3. peripheralsa. relacyjna aestheticsb. kto tworca postrzega jako swoja publika i jego zagadnienie .. i. http://hyperallergic.com/18426/wtf-is-relational-aesthetics/ wylacznie az do celow edukacyjnych 🙂 Karnes County explosion: Authorities the scene of an explosion in Karnes County, Texas have confirmed that at least one person was injured, according to tudziez Ken5 report jego osoba Oct. 8. The explosion occurred early Tuesday in the town of Gillett after a saltwater disposal well reportedly exploded. Officials with the Karnes County Sheriff’s Office said the injured man was flown to i nearby medical center for treatment. The condition luminarz well tuz the name of the man has not been released luminarz of yet. Several local fire departments were called to assist in containing the scene. However, the sheriff’s office has not reported that the area has been fully contained or if there still is any type of threat remaining. Due to the Karnes County explosion, natomiast.