http://pumpascher.chaussurespaschere.infoA friend has sent me a really disturbing article by Grace Powers that explains many of the bizarre coincidences and unanswered questions in the Batman theater massacre,chaussures Timberland PAS CHER.
Most importantly it explains why Robert Holmes seemed drugged when he appeared in court and why he has no recollection whatsoever of the shootings,pum pas cher. Powers hypothesizes that Holmes was being drugged with scopolomine,tods sale, a common date rape drug that is also used by sophisticated thieves to induce people into turning over their cash cards and valuables,tods pas cher.
She believes two started doctoring his beverages around May 21st that he subsequently allowed them into his apartment and gave them access to his bank accounts and Internet passwords,tods chaussures. This was around the same time that he started showing up for class in a drugged state and making strange statements and purchases (guns,tods 2013, ammunition, etc) on the Internet. He now claims to have no recollection for any of this,tods soldes.
The account Powers offers explains the anomalies on the CCTV footage and a statement from a theater witness who saw someone open the emergency exit to let Holmes in.
She also suggests that someone at higher levels of government is trying to silence whistleblower Robert Holmes senior,Converse pas cher, the suspect father. The latter is a senior lead scientist with FICO,tod’s femme, the American credit score company. Prior to the shooting, he was scheduled to testify before a US Senate panel regarding the perpetrators behind the massive LIBOR banking fraud. According to Powers, Holmes senior has traced trillions of dollars to the bank accounts of people who personally benefited from the LIBOR fraud.
Based on personal experience with government harassment and my work with activist clients (which I write about in my memoir The Most Revolutionary Act ebook link),puma pas cher femme, all this sounds not only plausible but highly typical of the stuff intelligence contractors get up to,tods pas cher. Something rather spectacular in the mode of the stuff put out by Hollywood had to occur and that massive collapse of the WTC filled the bill very nicely,tods pas cher. The total lack of all the terrorist protection organizations is very significant and the neat footprint of the collapse also seems most peculiar. NYC criminal third term mayor, Rupert Murdoch,tods chaussures, and the minions of George Soro’s zombies,chaussures puma. An unholy alliance that would send shivers up the spine of Satan himself,tods Femme. Now this is all very nice if you are an Arianna Huffington Liberal who by the way probably doesn even own a gun anyway. But the right wing,chaussures pas cher, who do own guns, is not buying any of it,puma pas cher. Nobody is going to register their assault weapons,chaussures tod’s en ligne, on the chance that an obviously corrupt to the gills government,chaussures pas cher, will confiscate them on the premise that the Joker is going to get us all if we don This is probably the most outlandish act since Senior had his best friends son shoot Ronald Reagan, and said it was over an actress. Really now the whole Aurora episode was depicted in a Batman comic in 1986. An unemployed and broke student of questionable sanity attacked a movie theater full of imbecils that were waiting to see, what was it Batman number 363? He was wearing approximately 20,000 dollars worth of assault equipment and coincidentally knew how to use it all? Said shooter also wired his apartment with sophisticated explosive devices and then told police he did so after meekly surrendering to them? We won even talk about the eyewitness who say there were shots and tear gas canisters (tear gas?) coming from different directions and that someone got a call on his cellphone then opened the side exit and and his accomplices burst in shooting. As of yesterday the Enquirer was admitting that there had to at least have been one other accomplice. Extra gas masks were found in the parking lot and one of the degenerates tried to grab a 13 year old girl, I guess he figured it was a party favor, and drag her out into the parking lot. I guess she fought back a little to hard (contrary to popular belief spread by Hollywood government agents are not exactly feared martial artists) so he gutted her at the back door. We won talk about all the discrepancy’s between the mainstream medias account of Columbine and what was being relayed through the Denver Post and Denver Rocky Mountain News.* But the biggest red fag of all is this is 13 years and about 13 miles away from Columbine itself. If you don know what 13 means to a master Qabalist (to which the Free Masons have pretentions of being) then I suggest you check the appendix to my Skinwalker post. It is the most important number period. And they so like to mark their work like so many dogs peeing on trees. Coming as a precursor to Obama and Clintons most blatant act of treason yet the signing of a UN treaty banning assault weapons this is almost laughable if it wasn so deadly serious. Nobody’s giving anybody their guns Mr. />Page served between April 1992 and October 1998, and was a qualified parachutist who received two good conduct awards and a National Defense Service Medal but never won significant promotion.
FBI agents and local police were investigating Page supposed address in Cudahy, a suburb of Milwaukee just four kilometers (2.5 miles) north of the suburban Sikh temple that was targeted in Sunday attack. />
Also many witness to the Sikh temple shooting say there were four shooters all dressed in black (these guys think their ninja I can wait to have it out with these assholes!).
You should go on Facebook and friend my cousin Michael Williams he has been providing in debt coverage of this whole fiasco Dr. Being a Montauk baby myself the whole thing kind of makes me sick to my stomach to talk about. But it will all be in my book. You can rest assured as a scientist for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The anecdote for them was created long ago. You would be shocked to know who supplied it too!
Oh and by the way the guy in the picture is Russian,Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall. I suggest you look into the work of renowned high-rise architect Richard Gage, Dr. Stephen Jones, and Dr. Neils Herrit. The mainstream media would do just about anything to keep those guys off the air. Its not doing them much good but 2000 architects, engineers, and scientists from all over the world have already signed their petition to reopen the disgraceful NIST cover-up at great risk to their own professional careers. I must warn you but Jan once you open up that box you can never go back.
Like some others I would have dismissed this 15 years ago and now I still think it has serious problems as it is presented. If their motive was to silence a whistle blower over the LIBOR scandal this wouldn’t be the most effective way of doing, too complex and risky and it’s not necessary.
However that doesn’t mean there aren’t other stage things going on and that some of them may involve this. There were many suspicious things surrounding the Columbine incident as well. A lot of the same coincidences and unanswered questions about 9-11 began popping up in Feb 2002. I recall because John Judge (on the JFK archives coalition) came to Seattle to speak about it that month.
Nafeez Ahmed published The War on Freedom in July 2002 and Thierry Meysson published the Big Lie (in French) that Aug. These books presented the first substantial evidence linking 9-11 to US intelligence.
This was nearly a year after the event. I think the truth behind the Batman massacre will come out faster because Holmes, unlike the alleged 9-11 hijackers and bin Laden, will be going to trial (and since most of US intelligence is leaking like a sieve at the moment).
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