2013,http://www.sacsblogs.infoAncient Maya City of Calakmul,chaussures burberry, Campeche
Calakmul,www.frlongchamppascher2013.com, an important Maya site set deep in the tropical forest of the Tierras Bajas of southern Mexico, played a key role in the history of this region for more than twelve centuries. Its imposing structures and its characteristic overall layout are remarkably well preserved and give a vivid picture of life in an ancient Maya capital,chanel lunettes.
Calakmul, site maya important,soldes longchamp, dans la profondeur de la for tropicale des Tierras Bajas au sud du Mexique, a jou un r cl dans l’histoire de la r pendant plus de douze si Ses structures imposantes et sa disposition globale caract sont admirablement conserv et offrent une image parlante de la vie dans une ancienne capitale maya.
Justification d’inscription
Crit i Les nombreuses st comm de Calakmul sont des exemples exceptionnels de l maya qui l politique et spirituelle de la ville. Crit ii Le seul site de Calakmul offre une s de monuments et d ouverts exceptionnellement bien pr et repr de l de l et de l maya sur une p de douze si Crit iii La vie politique et spirituelle dans les villes mayas de la r des Tierras Bajas est admirablement bien repr par les vestiges impressionnants de Calakmul,sac moins cher. Crit iv Calakmul est un exemple exceptionnel d’une phase importante dans l’histoire de l’ humain et le d de l’architecture.
Description longue
[Uniquement en anglais] The political and spiritual way of the Maya cities of the Tierras Bajas region is admirably demonstrated by the impressive remains of Calakmul. This site contains more stelae in situ , a series of tombs,sacs pas cher, some of them royal, with a rich variety of ornaments, ritual ceramic vessels,sacs longchamp pas cher, and a large number of jade masks. All these elements provide unique evidence of their kind about a rich vanished civilization. Within a single site, Calakmul displays an exceptionally well-preserved series of monuments and open spaces representative of Maya architectural, artistic and urban development over 12 centuries. It also testifies to the exchange of influences over more than 12 centuries, beginning in the 4th century BCE, in the fields of political organization and cultural development over a vast area of the Mayan region,pliage longchamp pas cher.
The archaeological site is located within the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, which was created in 1989 and is the largest in Mexico. The portion of what is recognized to have been a very extensive ancient settlement that has so far been explored consists of three large groups of structures. On the west there is a large group of platforms with buildings on them around open spaces. A similar, slightly smaller, group lies to the east. In between these is the central zone, covering a roughly square area,lunette pas cher, in which very large public open spaces and the dominant Structure II are the main elements. Between the central and eastern groups but seemingly distinct from them is the large pyramidal Structure I. This is slightly smaller than Structure II, but having been built on a natural eminence it is more or less the same height. The central zone owes its configuration to two overlapping public open spaces. One of these is defined by the structures of the eastern western groups and Structure II,soldes sac. Within this open space, and also facing Structure II,echarpe burberry, is a group of buildings that form an open space known as the Plaza Grande. This configuration of buildings disposed geometrically around a double open space can be linked to the layouts at other Mayan sites such as Tikal and,soldes longchamp, in particular, Uaxact It should be stressed that the structures in the central zone date from all the periods of occupation of the site,longchamp pas cher, indicating continuity of occupation over some 12 centuries,sacs longchamp pas cher. At the heart of Structure II is to be found the earliest building known from Calakmul, now covered by successive reconstructions of this dominant building, within which is a barrel-vaulted chamber.
By virtue of the size of its main structures and its extent,sacs moins cher, this town is comparable with other, better-known sites of the Mayan culture, such as Palenque, Uxmal and Chichen Itza in Mexico and Tikal or Cop in Central America,sacs pas cher. However,foulard burberry, it contains structures that are older than those to be found in these sites. In Calakmul the layout of certain groups of buildings and the general organization of the urban centre present characteristics that also apply to the other sites in the Pet region such as Uaxact and Tikal.
Analysis and interpretation of the complex iconography of its frieze decorated with large stucco masks show that this structure antedates stone structures from Uaxact and El Mirador,burberry enfant, which were hitherto believed to be the oldest in the region. The buildings of the central zone, with ceremonial and ritual functions,lunettes Ferraari, are flanked by the eastern and western groups containing buildings of palace type,sac burberry. Beyond them, to all the cardinal points, there are four groups,sac chanel pas cher,Ancienne cité maya de Calakmul, each with distinct characteristics. Calakmul is especially noteworthy for the large number (120 to date) of stelae that have been found on the site. Not only are these of immense importance in establishing the history of the ancient city and in throwing light on the ancient Maya culture, they are also key elements in its layout,burberry pas cher. The ‘structure-open space’ element is common to all Maya sites,Chanel pas cher, but at Calakmul this is further enriched with stelae carefully sited in regular lines or groups in front of the stairways and main facades of the pyramidal structures. The decorative sculpture and reliefs are artistically of a high order. Two exceptional massive circular carved stones are especially noteworthy for their quality and rarity in the Mayan context.
Description historique
Dans la r tr dens bois des Tierras Bajas, actuellement divis entre le Mexique et le Guatemala, cet maya date de la fin de la p pr moyenne (900-300 avant notre On l’avait d’abord consid comme le centre d’une soci agricole essentiellement bas sur de petits r dans toute la r mais de r d ont montr que des structures c monumentales y ont construites, indiquant une forme de soci plus avanc et plus complexe,burberry soldes, capable de cr de telles structures gigantesques,longchamp pas cher.
De r fouilles de la Structure II Calakmul ont montr qu’entre 400 et 200 avant notre un monument d’environ 12 m de haut fut cet endroit. Cette d remet en question l’id que Nakb (Guatemala) avait le centre principal pendant la derni partie de la p pr moyenne. Pendant la transition, la derni p pr Calakmul devenue une des deux villes dominantes de la r le coeur du monde maya, l’autre Tikal. Des fouilles ont montr que ces deux cit ont prosp dans un de guerre presque continu entre elles jusque vers 900 de notre Les nombreuses st trouv sur les deux sites, et en particulier Calakmul, ont jet de nouvelles lumi sur cette p troubl de l’histoire.
On consid que Calakmul a connu son apog durant la derni p classique (542-695 de notre Le centre du pouvoir maya se d progressivement vers le nord, au Yucat Palenque,Ancienne cité maya de Calakmul, Uxmal et enfin Chich Itz Vers 900 de notre la ville de Calakmul avait d perdu de son importance. Elle compl abandonn dans les ann 1530 lorsque Alonso de conduisit une mission d’exploration dans cette partie de la p qui, l’ n’ occup que par les cehaches, probablement des descendants des habitants de Calakmul et des autres villes autrefois puissantes de la r n’est qu’en 1931 que l’existence de ce site est signal par Cyrus L. Lundell qui le d au cours d’une exp botanique. C’est d’ailleurs lui qui lui donna son nom actuel, forg d’apr ca (deux), lak (pr et mul (montagne = pyramide) – c’est- les deux pyramides proches. Source : évaluation des Organisations consultatives
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