Open Watch Dog’s world map and what will you find? I see a city divided into districts, around half a dozen in number. Each has a central control point to capture, to unlock a surrounding sea of icons – side-missions, mini-games, collectibles. So it is in Assassin’s Creed, so it is in Far Cry and so it is in Watch Dogs too.
It’s surprising how similar Ubisoft’s latest open world is in structure to its predecessors – especially after that first swaggering slice of gameplay we saw back at E3 2012, that promise of a next-gen city full of open-ended missions and dynamic gameplay. But despite how openly Watch Dogs’ world wears its heritage, it also manages to repurpose this framework to host the game’s most intriguing new features.
Wander the game’s streets and you’ll soon find yourself greeted with a warning message: you are being hacked. We’ve known something of Watch Dogs’ mysterious multiplayer activities for some time – how they blend your version of Chicago with another players’ and let them infiltrate your game. But watching it happen during your playthrough is something else – there’s something wonderfully disconcerting about knowing that the culprit is somewhere around you, a human player that has been watching your movements, who has calculated a path to get close to you and is now attempting to stay hidden, to blend in amongst the game’s NPCs.
You can be the one stalking others too, of course – on foot, while in a car, hidden in a nearby alleyway or perched up above, out of sight. Find a line of sight and you can hack their smartphone, sending them that same warning message as their data streams to your device. Then it’s just a matter of remaining in range while evading their view, which is easier said than done. The other player is armed with their device’s Profiler, the app you can use at any time to see details of passers by. But there are tricks to hide from it – enter any nearby vehicle and you have an option to huddle down behind the wheel, for example, which also lets you roar off once the download is complete and leave your bewildered victim in a cloud of tyre smoke.
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